The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is introducing the new Global Reporting Format (GRF) regulation later this year with the aim of tackling a key aviation concern, runway excursions.
The third most common runway excursion risk factor is ineffective braking action due to contaminated runways, combined with shortfalls in the accuracy and timeliness of assessment and reporting the runway surface conditions. By implementing a standardized method, GRF will alleviate the risk of runway excursions.
What is GRF?
GRF provides a harmonized methodology to standardize the reporting of runway surface conditions and intends to establish a common language between the airport staff involved in the flight procedure. By enabling surface conditions to be reported in a standardized manner, air traffic control and flight operators have an objective way of reporting runway surface conditions to flight crews, allowing pilots to determine accurate take-off and landing performances.
GRF comprises an assessment by airport operations staff using a Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM) and the consequent assignment of a Runway Condition Code (RWYCC) ranging from six to zero. This code is complemented by a description of the surface contaminant based on type, depth, and percentage of coverage for each third of the runway, ultimately determining the effect of the runway conditions on aircraft braking action.
The outcome of the assessment and associated RWYCC are transmitted using a Runway Condition Report (RCR) forwarded to air traffic services and the aeronautical information services for dissemination to air crews. This will help pilots to correctly carry out their take-off and landing performance calculations for wet or contaminated runways.
How does it affect you and how can Xsight Systems assist?
While the GRF regulations are a significant step towards improving runway safety, the recommended procedures affect airport ground operators as they are now held accountable for timely reporting of any change to runway surface conditions. Thereby increasing operational workload through manual reporting and additional training, and also leaving the process at risk to human error.
As part of Xsight’s intelligent, remote runway sensing solutions, we developed ArcWize to address runway excursion risk factors associated with runway contaminants, such as rainwater, snow, ice and more.
ArcWize constantly monitors the runway, day and night, and in all weather conditions through advanced sensing technology. The solution comprises a multi-layered sensor system, providing accurate and timely detection of any runway contaminants, delivering reliable visualization of the runway surface.
ArcWize automatically alerts airport operators to any change in the surface condition and notifies airport operations when levels exceed GRF requirements, thereby continuously providing an accurate understanding of the runway surface condition status, supporting real-time decision making with regards to runway clearing. By using ArcWize, airports will be able to maximize runway safety with optimized operational efficiency through increased runway availability.
The multiple sensors system enables automated data collection, meaning the solution can provide the contaminant parameters as well as the RWYCC, required by the air crew for landing distance and breaking action calculations, adhering to GRF requirements.
ArcWize provides 24/7 remote monitoring of the runway, minimizing human error and increasing runway safety in an efficient and timely manner. Our solution provides more visibility and control, less disruption and ensures the key resource, the runway, is kept as safe and productive as possible.
For further information on ArcWize, please contact us on